After months of reconstruction, updates to the Chamber website are nearing completion. Though new kinks to fix are being found, the lion’s share of the work has been finished.
An updated feature that we are excited to push is the refurbished “Post a Job” form. Under the "JOBS" tab, click on “Post a Job” and fill out the form on the page. When you fill out the form, we will post the information on our website for 30 days to increase your reach of potential applicants. In the form you will provide information regarding the job title, whether the job is full or part time, and compensation. An important piece of the form is how applicants can apply. It’s imperative that this section is very thorough and clear not only for us to share, but for the applicants to view.
Our next exciting conception to come in the new year is our introduction of Professional Development courses. These courses are designed to help business gain essential information they need to grow their clientele and enrich their employees. Information on what upcoming Professional Development courses are available can be found under the “BUSINESS” tab at the top of the website. Our first class being offered covers digital and social media marketing for small business. We look forward to further engagement with the businesses and community members in Sparta in 2019!