Due to the extension of safety guidelines in regards to Covid19 from our state and federal government along with continued recommendations of safe distancing practices from the CDC, it is with great regret that the Sparta Events Department will be cancelling our summer events through June 30th. While we understand the guidelines are subject to change and although the current Emergency Declaration Order from Governor Whitmer extends currently through April 30, we feel it is in the best interest of our community and our businesses to invest time in helping Sparta reopen when the declaration time period has passed. We are deeply thankful to the Sparta community’s resounding support of keeping events alive in Sparta and are committed to working towards the goal of once again having the vibrant downtown that so many have come to enjoy. In this time of social distance please remember that you are the most important part of the socially close equation. On behalf of our many sponsors, businesses, volunteers, vendors, and staff, thank you for working with us to help Sparta stay together.
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